Un programa di recupero che funziona!

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STATISTICHE VITALI del programma Narconon sul sito


CHIAMA 02 36589162


Narconon è un programma di
riabilitazione che non utilizza droghe alternative, farmaci o sostanze che
alterano la mente, nel processo della riabilitazione. È un programma di
studio per la riabilitazione di chi ha abusato di droghe o alcol basato
sulle ricerche e le scoperte dell’educatore L. Ron Hubbard.

Per qualsiasi informazione si prega
di informarci all’indirizzo e-mail:

(D. Lgs. n. 196/2003 -Testo Unico


Narconon Addresses Need
for Drug-Free

In an over-medicated
society, the Narconon® drug rehabilitation program stands out as a leader
in drug-free treatment for addictions with long-term results and permanent

It doesn’t take much searching on the Internet to find
stories about the devastation being caused by prescription drug addiction
today. According to the latest National Survey on Drug Use and Health
(NSDUH) there are about 6.2 million Americans who are current non-medical
users of prescription drugs, many of whom are addicted.

The above
statistic shows that despite any medicinal value, many drugs today have a
high potential for abuse and all of them have additional side effects. So,
when addicts turn to a treatment center for help, prescribing more drugs
to them can be detrimental to their recovery. This is one of the reasons
why the Narconon drug rehabilitation program is

The program was founded in 1966 by a former heroin
addict named William Benitez and has not used any type of drug replacement
therapy since its inception. Based on research and developments by the
late American author and humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard, Narconon
incorporates other therapies to help ease withdrawal symptoms, removed
stored toxins from the body and rebuild natural health.

has a recovery rate of more than 70% that has been well documented and its
results have fueled worldwide growth to now include over 140 groups and
centers in more than 40 countries.

"We have found that more and
more people are searching for alternative programs that do not subscribe
to the disease concept or give more drugs to addicts," comments Narconon
International Executive Sue Birkenshaw, "An increasing number of
individuals and family members want to be able to put addictive substances
behind them forever, and that is what Narconon offers."

National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month just around the corner
in September, this message resonates with many people who have regained
control over their lives through Narconon after trying programs that used
various types of replacement drugs and pharmacotherapies. Drug-free
programs are becoming more mainstream in the light of the prescription
drug epidemic our country faces.

To find out more information about
Narconon or to locate the facility closest to you visit www.narconon.org today.

Copyright © 2010 Narconon Sud Europa. Narconon e il logo Narconon
jumping man sono marchi d’ impresa e di servizio di proprietà dell’ Association
for Better Living and Education International (ABLE) e sono usati con il suo
permesso. Si ringrazia la L. Ron Hubbard Library per avere concesso la
riproduzione di materiale protetto da copyright.

Come costruire un’eccedenza di denaro – How to Build a Cash Surplus

The Secret of How to Build a Cash

If you had saved 10% of your income since you started working, how much
money would you have right now?

Having a big savings account has many advantages. For example:

You have the option of getting into
activities you enjoy

You can get out of activities you do not

You have more choices of where to live

Emergencies and potential emergencies are
less stressful

You can help the people you love with their

You do not feel trapped by your job

You can devote more time and money to the
activities you love

The Problems

Building a surplus of cash for yourself can be very difficult. An
immediate need feels more stressful than a future need. Or you earn some
money and want to reward yourself.

Even if you manage to save some money, you are tempted to spend it. You
have an emergency or find something you really want to buy. You promise
yourself you’ll pay it back to your cash reserve, but you never do.

Saving money takes a lot self-discipline. However, even though it is
difficult to save money each month, most people can pay their

The Secret

"When a surplus is made part of the ‘need’ by disguised outgo, a
surplus occurs. Only then will it occur. It will not happen otherwise." —
L. Ron Hubbard

If you pay your bills, you can also save money. You arrange bills that
are actually savings. You won’t miss the money.

For example, you arrange a monthly debit from your checking account
into a saving account. Any bank can set up a savings plan for you.

Certain credit card programs allow you to make monthly payments into an
investment account, such as savings accounts with insurance companies or
banks. The amount you authorize is automatically charged to your credit
card each month.

You can pay money toward a future purchase by making an agreement with
the group you want to buy from. For example, some colleges allow you to
freeze the tuition, if you make monthly payments.

You can also sign up for your company’s payroll savings plan or
retirement plan. You tell your employer how much to save for you. Your
savings is withheld from your pay, just like your tax payments.

Even though opportunities to create a bill that becomes a savings
account are not widely promoted, they are available.


1. Decide how much you wish to save each month. The amount should not
be so high that it becomes a burden, but you might be surprised how easily
you can live on 90% of your current income when you are saving 10%. If
none of the above examples fit your situation, talk to someone at your
bank, at your job or at an investment company. You might also ask people
who have made themselves wealthy as they will have good ideas.

2. Then find a bill or system that will force you to save money. The
need to pay the disguised bill must be as urgent as any of your other
bills. In other words, you must pay it each month, without fail.

3. The cash reserve must also be difficult for you to spend. For some
people, a small penalty is enough to leave the money alone. For others, it
must be more difficult. For example, you can set up a joint account so
another person must approve your withdrawal from your savings.

4. Finally, the saving account must also increase each month, by
itself. All banks pay interest if the money is flowing into the right type
of account. Anything is better than nothing!

Make this small, but important change to your finances and you will
have more options for success in your

Provided by TipsForSuccess.org as a public
service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2010 TipsForSuccess.org. All rights reserved. Grateful
acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to
reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron

subscribe, buy books, contact us or learn more about TipsForSuccess.org,
click here.

For permission to copy, print or post this
article, go to http://www.tipsforsuccess.org/reprint_info.htm
click here.

Take better control of your life with the
TipsForSuccess coaching website at http://www.tipsforsuccesscoaching.org.
click here.


TipsForSuccess.org | 615 South Highway 49 | Jackson |
CA | 95642

Ti capita di evitare il lavoro? – Do You Ever Avoid Work?


Do You Ever Avoid

Have you ever noticed what happens when you avoid
doing your work?

"The person who studiously avoids work usually
works far longer and far harder than the man who pleasantly confronts it
and does it." — L. Ron Hubbard
from The
Problems of Work

That’s right. If you simply confront, or face and deal
with your work, it’s actually easier for you to do, and you save

Let’s say you have a stack of paperwork to do. Instead
of simply taking a few hours and doing the work, you avoid it for a few
weeks. The stack gets higher and now includes requests from people who are
wondering about the delayed paperwork. A two-hour project becomes a
ten-hour problem.

Students, who avoid their studies have to stay up all
night before tests or they get bad grades. Home owners, who avoid their
house maintenance chores, have to pay for expensive repairs. Business
owners, who avoid training their employees, have to constantly step in and
do their employees’ jobs for them.

Avoiding any task makes it more difficult, more
expensive or more time-consuming than just confronting and doing the work
in the first place.


If you want to feel powerful and in control, list out
what you should be doing. Write down all your jobs you must do.

Next, decide which item is the hardest, the most
difficult to do. Which job do you hate the most?

Now, go confront it and do it as soon as possible!
Better yet, PLEASANTLY confront it and do it.

Make this task your highest priority. Ignore those
excuses. Dive in and do not stop until the job is done.

As a result, you will discover two facts: The project
itself is not that hard to do and, because you got the most difficult
action out of the way, everything else on your list will be

This may seem like a brutal way to create improvement,
but it is fast and guaranteed to work.

To create a successful tomorrow for yourself,
pleasantly blast through your most difficult, most challenging problems


here to see a clip from the new "The Problems of Work" DVD

Provided by TipsForSuccess.org as a public
service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.

Copyright © 2010 TipsForSuccess.org. All rights reserved. Grateful
acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to
reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron

subscribe, buy books, contact us or learn more about TipsForSuccess.org,
click here.

For permission to copy, print or post this
article, go to http://www.tipsforsuccess.org/reprint_info.htm
click here.

Take better control of your life with the
TipsForSuccess coaching website at http://www.tipsforsuccesscoaching.org.
click here.


TipsForSuccess.org | 615 South Highway 49 | Jackson |
CA | 95642

Le scomode mezze verità di Cossiga

Come la maggior parte dei personaggi di una certa
levatura, Cossiga si può amare od odiare, ma non si può rimanerne
Mi piace ricordare due frasi a lui
attribuite che testimonierebbero sia la sua consapevolezza del "teatrino della
politica" e dei veri poteri forti che ci stanno dietro, sia la sua parziale
presa di responsabilità sui fatti che conosceva, dei quali ha sempre rivelato
solo mezze verità:
"I politici sono marionette nelle
mani dei banchieri"
"Governare è far
Francesco Cossiga  (Sassari, 26 luglio 1928 – Roma, 17
agosto 2010)

Prendo uno psicofarmaco e… ti spacco la faccia!


Per la cronaca: il “pugile” stava assumendo psicofarmaci… o pensate veramente che uno si metta a spaccare la faccia a pugni di una signora qualunque incontrata per strada?

Siamo di fronte ad un altro successo della psichiatria.


Da: TGcom.it

6 agosto 2010

Lasciato, massacra una passante

Milano: pugile uccide una filippina

Lasciato dalla fidanzata, un 25enne ucraino, Oleg Fedchenko, pugile per hobby, è sceso in strada a Milano e ha massacrato di botte la prima donna che ha trovato, una filippina di 41 anni. La donna, Emlou A., è morta dopo essere stata ricoverata in condizioni disperate all’ospedale Fatebenefratelli. L’uomo, che a quanto pare nel pestaggio si è fratturato una mano, è piantonato dalla polizia in ospedale di Niguarda.

La filippina, sposata e in regola con il permesso di soggiorno, camminava lungo viale Gran Sasso dopo aver portato il figlio in piscina, quando il brutale aggressore, con un piccolo precedente per furto, ha prima cercato di rubarle la borsa e poi l’ha picchiata ferocemente.
Per la furia dei pugni dell’uomo, la donna ha riportato lo sfondamento delle ossa del viso ed è andata in arresto cardiaco subito dopo l’aggressione. Sul posto sono subito intervenuti i soccorritori di un’ambulanza che passava proprio mentre l’uomo infieriva su di lei, ma per la vittima non c’è stato nulla da fare.
Solo l’intervento di un passante che ha bloccato una volante ha permesso agli agenti di fermare il 25enne. Ci sono voluti quattro poliziotti per immobilizzare il giovane, alto 1,80 metri, fisico palestrato e con la passione per il pugilato. La polizia era stata avvertita anche dalla madre del giovane: "Mio figlio è stato lasciato dalla sua ragazza – ha detto la donna – e sono due giorni che è senza controllo. Adesso è uscito di casa e ho paura che voglia uccidere qualcuno".
Nell’abitazione di Fedkhenko gli agenti hanno sequestrato uno storditore elettrico, un coltello da caccia e un bilancino di precisione. Il ragazzo con un certificato di attivita’ da pugile agonista e un precedente per furto in passato ha accusato problemi di depressione.

Fonte: http://www.tgcom.mediaset.it/cronaca/articoli/articolo488059.shtml