Cinque consigli per aiutare i bambini ad avere successo – Five Tips to Help Children Succeed

Five Tips to Help Children Succeed
Raising kids is a difficult, yet important and rewarding responsibility. As a parent, you can succeed and add a valuable member to our world. Or you can fail as a parent and create an unhappy problem for the world to deal with.

Even if you are not currently raising children, they are a big part of your future. Today’s children are tomorrow’s parents and leaders. You can improve our future by helping parents raise their kids with these five tips. The quotes are from The Way to Happiness by L. Ron Hubbard.

1. “What does have a workability is simply to try to be the child’s friend. It is certainly true that a child needs friends.”

As you were growing up, did you have adult friends? Who were your favorite relatives, sports coaches or teachers? If you smile at the memory, they probably treated you as a friend.

Because children learn more about life from adults like you than from other children (or television), they enjoy your company. They want to talk to you and follow your example. Let them!

2. “Try to find out what a child’s problem really is and without crushing their own solutions, try to help solve them.”

A child is a regular person in a small body. He or she is starting to figure out the world. If you encourage them to solve their own problems, you are building their confidence.

For example, asking the right questions is more valuable to children than giving the answers. “Why do you think he was mean to you? What do you want to do about it? Okay. What might be a better way to solve it?”

As another example, the child is trying to open a package or fix a toy. When the child has trouble or gets frustrated, do not bypass and take over the task. Instead, encourage him or her to work it out. You will help make a happier, prouder, more competent person.

3. “Observe them — and this applies even to babies. Listen to what children tell you about their lives.”

For example, you might observe a baby calms down when you play Mozart. You may discover your three-year-old gets excited when painting flowers. An eight-year-old may have a great idea for your career that you’ve never considered.

By observing children, you can be a better friend.

4. “Let them help — if you don’t, they become overwhelmed with a sense of obligation which they then must repress.” (Repress = hold back.)

How do you feel if someone gives you money or favors, but refuses to let you return the favor in any way? Perhaps you feel worthless as you have nothing valuable to give to that person. If you are not allowed to help, you’ll soon dislike or distrust the person and refuse all future gifts.

Examples: “If you fold the napkins, it would really help me.” “I’ll give you one dollar each week if you take care of all the garbage for the house.” “I’ll feel happy if you sing a song for me.”

5. “A child factually does not do well without love. Most children have an abundance of it to return.”

You can never give a child too much love. However, it’s fun to try.

The more love you give to your child, the more he or she will give to you, and the world.

Learn about the Way to Happiness booklet at

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.


Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.


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Come incrementare la tua paga con le statistiche – How to Boost Your Pay with Statistics

How to Boost Your Pay with Statistics
Which of these five statements do you believe are true?

1. “My boss determines my income.”
2. “I’ll never be more successful than my parents.”
3. “My business rises and falls based on the economy.”
4. “My income controls me more than I control it.”
5. “My success is largely determined by luck.”

Of course, all these statements are false. You are the one who controls your success.

One way to control your pay, and your future, is with statistics.

L. Ron Hubbard discovered many uses of statistics. Statistics show how you are doing when compared to an earlier time period. When you track several activities, you can trace why your income has gone up or gone down. Statistics can even predict your future.

“In any set of statistics of several kinds or activities, you can always find one or more that are not ‘by luck’ but can be directly caused by the organization or a part of it.” — L. Ron Hubbard

For example, an auto dealer learns that the more television commercials he runs, the more people come to his car lot. The customers do not show up because he is lucky, but because he buys TV commercials.

Another example: A computer programmer finds her pay increases whenever she spends her spare time learning new programming languages. More study hours equals greater pay.

Leo’s Café
Leo owns a small restaurant called Leo’s Café. He makes around $5,000 per month in profit, but needs $15,000 per month to pay his bills and reach his financial goals.

To earn $15,000 per month in profit, his café needs to sell $150,000 per month in meals. However, it only collects $50,000 per month. Leo decides to use statistics to take control of the income.

He makes several statistical graphs for the past three months. He figures out the numbers on everything he can: income, number of meals served, number of customers, average charge per customer, payroll, time spent cooking, time spent with customers, time spent promoting and so on.

He notices that the daily income jumped to $5,000 on seven separate days last month. It never did this during any other month. Why?

He looks through the customer’s orders for those days and discovers there was a special event on each of those days. A big family reunion, a community club meeting, a birthday party, a business meeting and another family reunion. Why did they come to Leo’s Café?

He realizes he helped arrange each of these events in his spare time or his “promotion” time. A family reunion was set up by Leo’s golf partner. The birthday party was for his landlord’s daughter. The business meeting was set up by his son-in-law. The club held their meeting because Leo went to one of their earlier meetings.

Leo looks at the graph: Promotional Hours. He sees it was much higher three months earlier.

A big light bulb flashes in Leo’s head. “I thought socializing was a waste of time. I enjoy it too much and thought I should stop. But it’s making me money!”

Leo decides to boost his social statistics. He goes to more meetings, plays more golf and attends more parties. As well as boosting his Promotional Hours, he keeps a new statistic called “Number of Social Contacts.” Each time he chats with an old contact or makes a new one, he counts this on his graph.

He triples his number of Promotional Hours and Social Contacts. Within a month, his café income increases by 25%. By the end of the year, his income reaches his pay goal of $15,000 per month. Leo is having fun and making the money he needs.

Your Personal Career Success
L. Ron Hubbard’s management technology applies to your personal success just as effectively as it does to a business.

Which statistic (that is under your control) increases your pay? Which statistic, if you doubled it, would mean more money for you?

For example, if you sell real estate, you might find that if you double your number of sales calls, your income increases by 75% or more!

For example, as a photographer, you set up statistics and discover that for every 50 pictures you submit you eventually earn $1000. So you take command of your income and submit 250 pictures each month and thus make $5000 per month.

One fellow found he exceeded his sales quotas at his job if he exercised before going to work. One hour each morning, five days per week equals five hours of exercise. Increasing his exercise hours to five per week caused a 15% pay increase.

Many writers write their first great book while commuting to their normal jobs. The number of hours writing directly relates to the number of books an author publishes.

You can create a graph for activities that result in raises, bonuses and promotions at your company. It might be extra overtime hours, time spent helping new employees, golf games with potential clients, volunteer assignments, deadline accomplishments and so on. Every valuable activity can be represented by a number.

Once you discover the activities that increase your pay, and mark them on a graph, you can force them to increase. You are in control of your pay.

1. Create statistical graphs for all possible activities that might boost your income.

2. Find the statistic or statistics, which sooner or later, boost your income.

3. Push those statistics to new levels and you command your income.

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.


Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.


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Gli psicofarmaci non sono giochi per bambini

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English article on bottom page
Gli psicofarmaci non sono giochi per bambini
Aumentare la consapevolezza del pubblico sul potere distruttivo delle sostanze tossiche e sulle responsabilità della società nel prendersi cura del benessere dei bambini è uno scopo di valore. Ma guardiamo le cose come stanno. Il numero di bambini drogati si è moltiplicato in modo esponenziale negli ultimi anni. È un fatto che milioni di bambini, oggi, vengono trattati con farmaci psico stimolanti sulla base di ipotetiche malattie mentali.

Tra questi farmaci psico stimolanti troviamo il Ritalin, il cui principio attivo è il metilfenidato; la Dexedrina, il cui principio attivo è la destroanfetamina; la Desoxina, il cui principio attivo è la metanfetamina. Tutte queste sostanze causano dipendenza, possono rappresentare l’accesso ad altre droghe che causano anche maggiore dipendenza e vengono usate regolarmente come sostanze d’abuso sia dai più giovani che dagli adulti. Il Ritalin, a volte, viene addirittura ridotto in polvere e sniffato, in sostituzione della cocaina. Il principio attivo del Ritalin, il metilfenidato, condivide molti effetti farmacologici con le anfetamine, la metanfetamina e la cocaina.

Oggi, proprio qui in Europa, ad un bambino di soli otto anni si può prescrivere il Prozac. L’EMEA, l’agenzia europea del farmaco, sostiene che quel farmaco è sicuro per i bambini, nonostante sia noto che il Prozac può scatenare intenti suicidi e comportamenti violenti nei pazienti che lo assumono. Abbiamo già dimenticato le stragi nelle scuole? In Oregon, dove il killer Kip Kernell agì sotto l’effetto del di Ritalin e Prozac. O Eric Harris, il killer della strage di Columbine dove furono assassinate dodici persone o Seth Trickey che era sotto l’effetto di due psicostimolanti quando sparò a quattro ragazzi e li uccise, nella scuola media di Oklahoma city?

Ma al di là di questi indicatori estremi di scelte mortalmente sbagliate, abbiamo diversi studi a dimostrare che chi fuma, beve o prende stimolanti in tenera età è maggiormente esposto al rischio di future tossicodipendenze, rispetto a chi non lo fa. Ora, perché l’Europa sta spingendo i suoi bambini verso le sabbie mobili della confusione biochimica, invece di educarli ad una vita libera dalle droghe? Abbiamo forse deciso di soccombere? Vogliamo dire addio al nostro stesso futuro svendendo i nostri bambini al miglior offerente? È morta fino a tal punto la nostra cultura o è che non abbiamo più alcuna cultura, alcun valore da offrire ai nostri bambini, al di là di un pugno di nuove etichette di pseudo disordini mentali con le relative ricette a base di psicofarmaci?

Crediamo di essere ancora in tempo per spezzare questo circolo vizioso, ma dobbiamo agire in fretta e soprattutto dobbiamo dire ai bambini, ai loro genitori, agli insegnanti ed al pubblico in generale la verità sulle droghe psicoattive. E la verità pura e semplice è che si tratta di veleni pericolosi, in grado di rovinare giovani vite e distruggere il vero tesoro nascosto nel cuore di ogni bambina e di ogni bambino: i sogni di domani.
CHIAMA 02 36589162

Narconon è un programma di riabilitazione che non utilizza droghe alternative, farmaci o sostanze che alterano la mente, nel processo della riabilitazione. È un programma di studio (educativo) per la riabilitazione di chi ha abusato di droghe o alcol basato sulle ricerche e le scoperte dell’educatore
L. Ron Hubbard.

Ritalin is often the first drug prescribed to this generations addict. I have known many people who have been drug addicts of all kinds, who started on the road to addiction with Ritalin and later progressed to other drugs such as heroin and cocaine. It is not a harmless drug; here are the facts: Ritalin is the common name for methylphenidate, classified by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) as a schedule ll narcotic – the same classification as cocaine, morphine and amphetamines. It is abused by teens for its stimulant effects. While the law forbids unrestricted distribution of these powerful stimulants, the sad fact remains that these substances are freely available almost anywhere. “Kiddie cocaine”, as it has been called, is handed out like sweets. In some schools as many as 20% of the pupils take Ritalin regularly.

Its severest effects include nervousness, insomnia, pulse changes and heart problems. In June 2005, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned that Ritalin and its sister drugs may cause visual hallucinations, suicidal thoughts, psychotic behaviour, as well as aggression or violent behaviour. Hazards multiply as users up their quantity, grind and snort it, liquefy or inject it, and use it along with Ecstasy and other drugs. Abuse in larger doses puts stress on the heart, which can be fatal, and injection causes serious damage to the lungs and eyes.

The manufacturer says methylphenidate is a drug of dependency. Children on stimulant medications have twice the future rate of drug abuse. Long-term effects include irreversible damage to the blood vessels of the heart and brain; liver, kidney and lung damage; malnutrition and weight loss; disorientation, apathy, and damage to the brain including strokes and possibly epilepsy. Children may also develop anorexia from use of the drug.

The University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Centre in Houston and the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston found in a recent study that after only three months of methylphenidate use, every one of the dozen children treated developed genetic abnormalities.

Copyright © 2011 Narconon Sud Europa. Narconon e il logo Narconon jumping man sono marchi d’ impresa e di servizio di proprietà dell’ Association for Better Living and Education International (ABLE) e sono usati con il suo permesso. Si ringrazia la L. Ron Hubbard Library per avere concesso la riproduzione di materiale protetto da copyright.


Il primo passo per guadagnare rispetto – The First Step to Gaining Respect

The First Step to Gaining Respect
A bad personal impression gives a message that is not always accurate. For example, bad breath gives the impression that you are dirty. Poor eye contact gives an impression that you are not interested. Crooked teeth give the impression that you are stupid.

“Cleanliness and neatness are the primary building blocks to respect in most societies.” — L. Ron Hubbard

To Succeed, You Need Respect
Personal impressions are important in this society. A bad impression can hurt your chances of success. People may dislike being around you. You make them uncomfortable. They distrust you somehow.

A good personal impression makes your job easier. It opens the door to good relationships. It gives you a chance to show your skills and value.

Job applicants with a good personal image have a significant advantage over those with a poor image. Sales people often win or lose because of their image. Getting a date or finding a spouse depends a great deal on your image.

To succeed in business, financial or public relations activities, you must establish as much respect as possible. You have no excuse for not being clean and neat.

A good personal image helps make people listen to you, believe in you and like being with you. It shows you are a professional.

Everyone can improve their personal image. It’s an easy, but important step on your road to success.

25 Ways to Improve Your Image
1. Do not smell. Use an effective unscented deodorant. Avoid perfume and cologne.

2. Ensure your clothing fits well, is clean and not stained. Dress professionally; slightly better than those around you. Wear nothing extraordinary: psychedelic ties, hats, flashy jewelry and so on.

3. As a female, avoid heavy cosmetics or inappropriate clothing. As a male, keep your hair short and trimmed; same with facial hair.

4. Ensure your fingernails are clean, smooth and well shaped.

5. Pluck hair that sticks out of your ears or nose, between eyebrows, out of moles or other odd places.

6. Look healthy: no red eyes, sniffles or coughing.

7. Brush your teeth frequently. Ensure you have clean-smelling breath.

8. Keep your hair clean and natural-looking.

9. Unless your boss or clients display their own body art, keep your tattoos and piercings covered up.

10. Stand when first meeting someone, no matter who they are.

11. Walk with good posture; stand tall, lift your chin.

12. Sit straight.

13. Make good eye contact while listening and talking.

14. Automatically smile at everyone you see.

15. Shake hands or pat the shoulder of each person you meet or greet.

16. Use a dry, warm hand for handshaking.

17. Allow a comfortable amount of space between you and others.

18. Laugh easily; it makes people relax and makes your face glow.

19. Watch your humor. Avoid jokes about race, disability, sex and so on. Tell jokes about yourself or share funny stories that anyone would enjoy.

20. Appear relaxed, yet energized.

21. Use good manners. Say “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me” at all times to everyone regardless of whom you think they are.

22. Use good language. Bad/good examples: “c’mere/come here,” “ain’t/isn’t,” “yeah/yes,” “nah/no.”

23. Acknowledge everyone, ignore no one.

24. Say “goodbye” to everyone as you or they leave.

25. Be proud.

“Pride is the primary reason for good appearance.” — L. Ron Hubbard

Provided by as a public service to introduce the technology of L. Ron Hubbard to you.


Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.


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Ricordarsi dei bambini che l’industria dei vaccini si lascia dietro – Remember the children the vaccine industry has left behind

Remember the children the vaccine industry has left behind –

Remember the children the vaccine industry has left behind (6768 views)
Uploaded 2/1/2011 12:19:50 AM by HealthRanger (108 videos)

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International Medical Council on Vaccination refutes vaccine propaganda with myth-busting report

NaturalNews exclusive: International Medical Council on Vaccination refutes vaccine propaganda with myth-busting report.

(NaturalNews) To hear it from proponents of the vaccine industry, vaccines are based on rock-solid science that proves them to be completely safe and widely effective. These beliefs, however, are not factually based on real science but rathera persistent vaccine mythologythat has been propagandized by the vaccine industry, medical practitioners and even governments which underwrite vaccine risks.

Today, the International Medical Council on Vaccination ( has released, exclusively through, a groundbreaking document containing the signatures of over 80 family physicians, brain surgeons and professors of pathology, chemistry and immunity, all of which have signed on to a document stating, on the record, thatvaccines pose a significant risk of harm to the health of childrenand that there is no real science backing the “vaccine mythology” which claims that vaccines are somehowgoodfor children.

This groundbreaking document, calledVaccines: Get the Full Story, is available as a free download from Click the report cover image on the right to go directly to the download page, where you’ll find downloads availablein 9 languages, including Spanish, French, Hebrew and Russian.

You have permission to share this report. Please also share the download page with others so that moms and parents canget educatedabout the risks associated with vaccines and thereby protect their children from the risk of harm caused by vaccines.

The vaccine industry’s message is like a broken record: Vaccines are “safe and effective,” they say. But repeating a lie over and over again does not magically make it true. Any such declaration of vaccine safety or effectivenessmust be based on actual scientific inquiry, and the real science is utterly lacking on vaccines. Did you know, for example, thatMMR and seasonal flu vaccines have never been clinically tested against non-vaccinated individuals?

Did you also know that even though vaccines can cause long-term damage in children, with symptoms appearing months or even years later, they are typically only assessed for side effects for two or three weeks?

What you’ll find in this free downloadable report

Here’s some of what you’ll find in this eye-opening report from the International Medical Council on Vaccination (

• A list of the many MDs, PhDs, NDs and other medical professionals who are signing onto this document and taking a stand to critically question the myth that vaccines are proven to be both safe and effective.

• Why vaccines have NEVER been proven safe or effective.

• A list of some of the serious health side effects caused by vaccines.

• Why autism is associated with vaccines.

• The profit motivation behind the pharmaceutical industry’s persistent vaccine push.

• A list of which institutions and organizations profit from your sickness.

• The shocking truth about what’s used to make vaccines (aborted fetal tissue, 59 different chemicals, DNA from diseased animals and more).

• An overview of some of the most dangerous vaccine ingredients, including aluminum and formaldehyde.

• The truth about conflicts of interest in the vaccine community and why doctors profit from vaccination policies.

• Why vaccinated children have far worse health outcomes than unvaccinated children (and why the vaccine industry refuses to test vaccines against the long-term health outcomes of unvaccinated children).

• How to opt out of “mandatory” vaccines.

• Important advice for parents about how to protect the health of your children while saying NO to vaccines.

• Online resources for learning more about the dangers of vaccines.

• A list of recommended reading materials for further education.

Download this report right now by clicking the report cover image on the right. Yes, you may share this document with others.

NaturalNews is also featuring two interviews this week with two of the physicians who signed this report: Drs Sherri Tenpenny and Suzanne Humphries. Their interviews will be posted in their entirety here on NaturalNews this week. On Friday (if not earlier), we will also be featuring an on-camera interview with Dr Andrew Wakefield, who talks with us about the symptoms of autism, why vaccines are potentially so dangerous to children, and what parents can do to protect their children from vaccine dangers.

Why this is a must-read report

This report by the International Medical Council on Vaccination ( is an absolute must-read for parents everywhere. It describes little-known facts about vaccines, children and immune health that the vaccine manufacturers and government health authorities don’t want circulated. Whether or not you choose to vaccinate yourself or your children, you owe it to yourself to hear both side of the story before making a decision, and this report tells you the side of the story that your doctor probably doesn’t know and your government absolutely does not want you to hear.

That’s becausegovernments underwrite vaccine riskthrough their government compensation programs. Thus, it is in the interests of governments that vaccines never be shown to cause harm.

Why the vaccine industry is so desperate to silence dissent

Today, I believethe vaccine industry is crumbling.As the truth is finally getting out about the link between MMR vaccines and autism, about the deaths associated with Gardasil, and about the horrifying ingredients used in vaccines, more and more parents are becoming well-informed and choosing toavoid vaccinating their children.

This is causing the vaccine industry to react with a sense of desperation. That’s why the British Medical Journal (BMJ) has resorted to using articles written by a blogger named Brian Deer to spread factually false accusations about some of the top medical specialists in the world who are legitimately questioning the safety of vaccines (such as Dr Andrew Wakefield).Unquestioning obedience to conventional vaccine mythologyis so central to the ongoing profitability of the pharmaceutical industry that vaccine manufacturers will resort to practically anything to protect their turf and try to silence anyone who questions what can only be called a dogmatic delusion of vaccine safety and effectiveness.

Vaccine advocates refuse to debate actual facts about vaccines. That’s because the facts, if revealed, would reveal the vaccine industry to be based almost entirely on fraudulent science and profit motives. Those facts include:

• Vaccines are almost never scientifically tested in randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies using proper placebos such as saline solution. Instead, the industry usesother vaccinesas “placebo” in order to try to hide the harm caused by those vaccines.

• The viral ingredients that go into vaccines are absolutely horrifying, and they include stealth viruses that are not listed on the label, as well as DNA taken from diseased animals such as cows and monkeys.

• The chemicals used in vaccines are known neurotoxins, and they include mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde. The use of these chemical toxins is not even denied by the vaccine industry. Even worse, these chemicals areinjectedinto the body, bypassing the digestive / liver systems that normally help neutralize toxic substances that might be swallowed. This is why statements from vaccine pitchmen like Dr Oz who claim “there’s more mercury in fish than vaccines” are intellectually dishonest and misleading.People don’t inject their children with fish.

• The mainstream media has huge conflicts of interest in reporting on vaccines because virtually all media outlets depend on pharmaceutical advertising money to stay financially afloat. This is why popular news personalities like Anderson Cooper and George Stephanopoulos wildly discredit themselves when they play the roles of on-air attack dogs targeting people like Dr Andrew Wakefield. Notice how they never disclose their own networks’ financial ties to Big Pharma?

• Evengovernmentshave huge motivations to make sure MMR vaccines (and other types of vaccines) are never shown to be harmful becausethey have underwritten vaccine riskthrough the creation of special funds that pay damages to vaccine victims. If the true risks of vaccines were widely known and acknowledged, the resulting claims from parents of children harmed by vaccineswould total in the trillions of dollars.

• Speaking of vaccine victims, the United States governmentroutinely admits that vaccines cause autism and other harmful effects in childrenthrough its Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund, which has paid out tens of millions of dollars in awards to parents whose children were proven to have been harmed by vaccines.

… this story gets much, much deeper. The more you look at the facts, the more you realize the vaccine industry is steeped in conflicts of interest, quack science, profit motivations, corrupt individuals and the complete disregard for the safety of children. The vaccine industry is, effectively, one of the most dangerous examples of modernorganized crime. Its actions are profiteering and monopolistic, and it maintains its power through a persisted campaign of intimidation, censorship, financial influence and quack science.

This story is just beginning to unfold. Watch for continued coverage of this developing story.

Why the vaccine industry does not want you to read this report

You will be absolutely stunned at what you learn about the risks and dangers of vaccines, including MMR vaccines, as revealed in this report.

Click here to download this report and see for yourself.

This is the information the vaccine industry does not want you to read. They don’t even want doctors learning this, because the more doctors begin to investigate this issue, the more they become convinced thatthey’ve been lied toabout the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.

Many doctors, in fact, who used to bestrong vaccine proponentsare now some of the most outspoken experts warning about the dangers of vaccines. They are now raising critical questions about the lack of legitimate scientific testing of vaccines, and they are realizing that the vaccine industry is engaged in a massive smoke-and-mirrors ploy to sell dangerous medicine that poses serious, lifelong risks to both children and adults.

The doctors who are standing up to the vaccine industry are, of course, subjected to the most insidious and politicized attacks by vaccine proponents, but they are nevertheless being seen asheroesby an increasing number of parents (moms especially) who are now able to see through the lies of the vaccine industry.

Even parents of the children studied in the originalLancetpaper by Dr Wakefield are strong supporters of his ethics and his research.

Here’s whatJulia Ahiersaid, on the record, about the attacks on Wakefield by the BMJ:

“I am absolutely convinced that the MMR triggered my son’s condition, as the first problems with pain occurred on the first evening after the vaccination and the loss of skills happened after also he had been gaining weight at a good rate and after the MMR he only gained 1lb 7ozs in 9 months.

I think that Dr Wakefield has only tried to help these children he has not done anything which we as parents did not want him to do. The allegations were unjust because they did not arise from anyone who had medical investigations carried out on them or their parents.

Doctor Wakefield did not recruit anyone into the study group. In our case our son was given the original referral to Professor Walker-Smith by another hospital and I sought a referral with Dr Wakefield our local pediatrician requested the referral.

Dr Wakefield was the kindest most compassionate doctor who had ever taken an interest in our child’s case. He did not perform any procedures on our child, these were done with our consent and agreement by other doctors. None of the tests which were performed on our child were against our wishes. There was no display of callous behavior. I have never had any communication with Brian Deer nor do I ever intend to.”

Where to learn more – important websites


I really want to urge you to become a fan of Dr Gary Null ( who is doingthe very best investigative journalism on this topicanywhere in the world. His four-hour “deconstruction” of the BMJ, Brian Deer and the barrage of false claims against Wakefield stands as perhaps the single most important investigative piece that has yet been produced on this topic. It makes the BMJ’s own report by Brian Deer look like a late-night tweet from a drunken blogger.

With his permission, we have made that audio file available for download here on NaturalNews:…

You can follow Gary Null

Additional websites to check out:

International Medical Council on
ThinkTwice Global Vaccine
U.S. doctors who don’t
Moms Like
Dr. Sherri

Learn more: