Un nuovo studio che asserisce che le avvertenze sugli antidepressivi “aumentano invece i tentativi di suicidio” è fasullo!

New Study Claiming Black Box Warnings on Antidepressants "Raised Suicide Attempts" is Bogus

In an obvious attempt to remove black box suicide warnings from antidepressants, a new study claims that black box warnings increased the numbers of suicide attempts. While the press actually bought into this bogus study, CCHR did something they apparently couldn’t be bothered to do—we actually READ the study. Not only is there zero evidence to back their claim, but the entire tale is one spun by spin doctors and the press just bought it.

In a nutshell, the study (published in the British Medical Journal) suggested that the "black box" suicide warnings reduced the number of antidepressants being prescribed and, subsequently, there was an increase in suicide attempts in a certain age group over a specific time frame. The problem is neither their logic nor methodology support removing the FDA’s most severe warning on antidepressants.

"Regardless of the agenda of the authors, and contrary to the misplaced media hype, the "quasi-experimental" study provides no scientific proof that decreased antidepressant use (because of the "black box" warnings) increased the rate of suicide attempts."

Click here to read the rest of the article.

Un’altra strage in caserma, un’altro militare trattato con psicofarmaci

Violence and psychiatric drugs—a deadly formula America is becoming too intimately familiar with and, the mental health watchdog group, Citizens Commission on Human Rights says that rather than continually send heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims, it is time for lawmakers to investigate the connection between prescription psychiatric drugs and violence.

America learned within hours of the April 2nd shooting at Ft. Hood that four people were dead (including the shooter) and 16 had been wounded in the attack. The shooter, 34-year old Army Specialist, Ivan Lopez, served in Iraq for four months in 2011 and according to The New York Times, Secretary of the Army, John McHugh, said Lopez had been "examined by a psychiatrist within the last month, but showed no signs that he might commit a violent act." Secretary McHugh further explained to the Senate Armed Services Committee that Lopez "had been prescribed Ambien, a sleep aid, and other medication to treat anxiety and depression."

CCHR says this sounds sadly familiar to the September 2013 Washington Navy Yard attack by Aaron Alexis, who had been taking the antidepressant, Trazadone, when he killed twelve innocent people.

CCHR continues that, "psychiatric treatment, in the form of prescription mind-altering drugs, once again is connected to a mass shooting. Yet, despite data showing a connection between psychiatric mind-altering drugs and violence, lawmakers have yet to investigate the connection."

Click here to read the rest of the article.
— CCHR International

• Since 2002, the suicide rate in the U.S. military has almost doubled.
• From 2009 to 2012, more U.S. Soldiers died by suicide than from traffic accidents, heart disease, cancer and homicide.
• Veterans are killing themselves at a rate of 22 a day – one every 65 minutes.
• The U.S. Department of Defence now spends $2 billion a year on mental health alone.
• One in six American service members is on at least one psychiatric drug.

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CCHR International | 6616 Sunset Blvd. | Los Angeles | CA | 90028

Obama Endorses Sweeping Mental Health Programs Just As Psychiatry’s Diagnostic Manual Comes Under Fire


Obama Endorses Sweeping Mental Health Programs Just As Psychiatry’s Diagnostic Manual Comes Under Fire


By Kelly Patricia O’Meara

“On June 3rd, during the White House National Conference on Mental Health, President Obama announced his administration would be taking a number of steps to expand the nation’s mental health services, saying that America needs to have a conversation to help remove the ‘stigma and embarrassment’ associated with a mental illness diagnosis. A seemingly noble sentiment, if not for the fact that it is psychiatry’s fraudulent diagnosing system—the DSM—that has recently become a true embarrassment for the mental health industry.

“With all due respect to the President, in light of the recent national and international criticism lobbed at the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) diagnosing manual, the DSM-5, which includes the National Institute of Mental Health’s (NIMH) admission that psychiatric disorders lack scientific validity, the focus of his desired conversation is arguably misinformed and out of sync with the raging controversy surrounding the validity of accurately diagnosing any alleged mental disorder.”

Click here to read the rest of the article

— CCHR International 


The White House’s sweeping mental health initiatives do not take into account the major controversy currently raging over the lack of science behind psychiatry’s methods of diagnosing mental disorders. 

“A slew of books have been recently published exposing the major failings underlying psychiatry’s diagnostic procedures, including ‘Saving Normal’ by Allen Frances, Chair of the DSM-IV Task Force”

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CCHR International | 6616 Sunset Blvd. | Los Angeles | CA | 90028

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